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Morning with Vince goes down a bomb

Vince interview

The latest of the Pompey History Society's 'Morning with' went down very well with the audience of about thirty members on 5 March 2025.


Vince Hilaire always a popular player during 80's has earned a reputation as an entertainer both in the Pompey lounges pre

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match and in a similar role at Crystal Palace.  Here he was interviewed by Johnny Moore and Colin Farmery and some his replies were both hilarious and other bombshells!


Vince covered his start at Palace, being on the fringes of the England set up, spells at Luton Town, Leeds United, Stoke City and Exeter and even at Butlins!  He threw in names of those he loved and other who did not see eye to eye with.  There were some answers he gave that I am sworn to secrecy but those there certainly opened their eyes on hearing some information.


Vince, of course, had plenty to say about his time at Pompey too.  Winning promotion in 1987 after going so close in the previous two seasons and the disappointment of coming straight back down, the partying that went on, in fact he spurted out so much information that he was answering questions before they were asked!


Vince 3The session finished with music and the 1989 single by electronic band The Beloved in their Top 20 single 'Hello'.  In the lyrics the band struggled to find a name to rhyme with Fred Astaire and settled on Vince Hilaire! 


Thoroughly entertaining hour and a half and enjoyed by all.  If you missed out make sure you join the Society here

Only £10 per annum with discounts on books and publications, a monthly email update and access to all functions; great value!!



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February Newsletter - Update for members