
Our Trustees


The Pompey History Society is a registered charity and therefore has a board of trustees who meet regularly to steer the work of the society. If any member wants full details on the charity they can contact us or search for the society on the Charity Commission website. The Trustees are:-


Colin Farmery - Colin is now the chair of the trustees. He is also leading a number of projects allocated to him by the monthly management committee such as fundraising and the development of our IT.

Mick Comben - the deputy chair of the Trustees who chairs the monthly management committee meetings.

Andrew Hind - ex CEO off the Charities Commission and of course a Pompey fan, Andrew's relative was Bob Blyth, one of the club's first legends.

Simon Colebrook - well known to PHS members and club supporters through the PST, Simon is currently the Trust’s Treasurer

Mark Parnell - Finance Director for Patron Capital.

Martin Price - well known to many in the club through his role as one of the club's Presidents who helped to save the club back in 2013/14.

Matt Barker - Pompey's Head of Marketing and Communications who will represent the club on our board


The Trustees are joined at meetings by Paul Boynton (Treasurer) and Bill Griffiths (Secretary)